SolvED Education Consultancy, LLC
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P.S./M.S. 29 Melrose School
P.S. 34 John Harvard
PS 34 President Barack Obama
August Martin High School
MS for Art and Philosophy
M.S. 340 North Star Academy
P.S. 359 Concourse Village
P.S. 276K Louis Marshall
Queens South High Schools
Frederick Douglass Academy VI
Hillside Arts
GRADED+ Student Work Scanner
P.S. 115 Daniel Mucatel School
P.S. 56 Louis Desario
P.S. 235 Janice Marie Knight
JGS Jamaica Gateway
Richmond Pre-K SI
P.S. 41 Stephanie A. Vierno
Queens Preparatory Academy
Lincoln High School
SMMS 366
P.S. 276K Louis Marshall
Van Siclen Community Middle School
Bronx Community Church
X369 Young Leaders Elementary School
P.S. 244 Richard R. Green
NYC Community Schools
Bronx Theatre High School
Consuming Fire Ministries
PS 274 Kosciusko
The Bilingual School - PS 25X
P.S. 377
P.S. 299 Thomas Warren Field
P.S. 123K Suydam
I.S. 584
MS 915 Bridges
P.S. 30X Wilton
The Metropolitan High School
York Early College Academy
P.S. 151 Lyndon B. Johnson
Richmond Pre-K Center
P.S./I.S. 45 Horace E. Greene
PS40Q Samuel Huntington
M.S. 45 Thomas C. Giordano
12X211 The Bilingual School
Community District 32
PS 94 Kings College School
PS/IS 116 William C Hughley
PS 48 David N. Dinkins
MS 126 John Ericsson School
Community District 19
MS 935
P.S. 272 Curtis Estabrook
MS 246 The Walt Whitman MS
Longwood Prep Academy
Pathways College Preparatory
IS 61 William A. Morris
MS 53 Brian Piccolo
IS 141 The Steinway
East NY Elementary S.E
Community School District 18
Community School District 7
James J. Ferris High School
Academy of Public Relations
Pharos Academy
Esperanza Preparatory Academy
Matea Ashley
PS 345
PS 363
Liberation Diploma Plus HS
MS 8
Brooklyn Gardens E.S
PS 004 Duke Ellington
BK Environmental Exploration
Research and Service HS
PS 118 Lorraine Hansberry
P.S. 132 Garret A. Morgan
P.S. 24 Spuyten Duyvil
PS 315 Lab School
I.S. 254
P.S. 279
Renaissance Institute
P.S. 032 The Belmont School
PS 39 The Francis J. Murphy Jr. School
PS 211 The Bilingual School
ELLIS Preparatory Academy
M.S. 226 Virgil I. Grissom
P.S. 333
P.S./M.S. 5 Port Morris
HS for Public Service
PS 39
PS 335 Granville T. Woods
PS/IS 041
P.S. 298 Dr. Betty Shabazz
L.G.A. 151
M.S. 224
P.S. 21
P.S. 154 Harriet Tubman LC
Hawtree Creek Middle School
031 TWLG
M.S. K394
Mott Hall IV
P.S. 25 The Bilingual School
The American Dream School MS
PS 17 Joseph H. Bresinger ES
P.S. 327 Dr. Rose B. English
P.S. 165 Ida Posner
PS 150
J.H.S. 050 John D. Wells
IS 392 - Gifted and Talented
Riverdale Avenue C.S.
NYC District 23 Rising
Brooklyn Landmark ES
P.S. 184 Newport
PS 323
PS 392
P.S. 308 Clara Cardwell
KAPPA V Middle School
P.S./I.S. 66
Hale A. Woodruff P.S. 224
P.S. 197 John B. Russwurm
Community School District 5
P.S. 13 Roberto Clemente
I.S. 206 Ann Mersereau
I.S. 285 Meyer Levin
P.S. 114 Ryder Elementary
P.S. 137 Rachel Jean Mitchell
The Yoga & Mindfulness TTP
Community Voices MS
School of the Future Brooklyn
PS 346 Abe Stark
P.S. P.S. 328 Phyllis Wheatley
East NY MS of Excellence
PS 325 The Fresh Creek School
PS 38 James F. Murray School
PS 6 Jotham W. Wakeman
PS 22 Rev. Webb ES
PS 035 Nathaniel Woodhull
The Brooklyn Green School
P.S. 081 Thaddeus Stevens
BK Academy of Global Finance
PS 354 STEM Institute Queens
MAST High School
NYC Queens District 29 Shines
In Our Best Interest
PS 290 Juan Morel Campos
Ossining High School
PS 33 Dr. Paul Rafalides
PS 216 George J. Ryan
PS 194 Countee Cullen
PS 243 The Weeksville School
PS 037 Cynthia Jenkins School
Revolutionary Education
PS/IS 323
Cook Educational Solutions
West Side High School
University Pathways PSA
PS 103 Fountain Elementary
NYC District 31 Staten Island
PS 456 Bronx Bears
Celia Cruz Bronx HS of Music
25Q219 PS/MS 219 Paul Klapper
08X101 The Edward R. Byrne School
08X448 Soundview Academy
08X467 Mott Hall Community School
Community School District 8
08X424 Bronx Academy for Multi Media
P.S. 282 Park Slope
14K084 PS 84 Jose de Diego
27Q309 Academy of Medical Technology
09Z066 Garden of Learning and Discovery Pre-K Center
13K605 George Westinghouse HS
15K131 P.S. 131 Brooklyn
09X361 The Highbridge Green School
15K094 The Henry Longfellow
P.S. 158
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